An inspirational story about David Robinson - written recently by a woman who works for P.F. Chang's in
“Robinson is a native San Antonian, and though retired still resides here. Having been in the restaurant industry for the last few years I have had the good fortune of meeting David Robinson, Malik Rose, and a few other Spurs players. A few weeks ago, Mr. Robinson came into P.F. Chang's to dine with his family. He was kind, courteous, and very patient with all of the fans who asked him for autographs. I was impressed, even with people bugging him during his meal, he held a happy face and patient demeanor with all of the people he spoke with.
Today Mr. Robinson visited P.F's again. And again, he was ever-so patient with the fans.... he signed autographs, and snapped pictures. Right as he was about to leave, a young woman approach him and told him the story of how her brother was killed by a drunk driver just a few days ago, and the wake was today. She explained that her brother was a huge Spurs and David Robinson fan, and having never had the opportunity to meet him, she asked for an autograph on her brother's funeral program. Of course Mr. Robinson was very sympathetic, and you could tell, the woman was exceptionally emotional and it took a lot of courage to approach him to request his autograph. He signed the paper, and what he did next blew me away.
He asked her if he could pray with her. With tears in her eyes she said, "Yes, Please". He wrapped his Giant basket-ball player hands around hers and together they bowed their heads. Blocking out all of the people, noise and traffic around him, he prayed a long and heartfelt prayer aloud, asking God for strength for her and her family in their time of loss, and for the protection of her brother. I could see in concentration that he was speaking directly to God, and that he meant every word.
Though this whole encounter only took just a few minutes, it was truly amazing. When he walked out the door I stood in awe, I was truly inspired by this man. Though he is a famously accomplished athlete, he offered a sense of peace and calm to a woman who had just suffered a devastating loss. I'm sure that moment will live in her heart forever.
My heart was warmed by one simple human interaction, and it made me think of the amazing power that one hug, touch, kind word, or Prayer can provide. With so much concentration on money, cars, name-brands, and possessions, I am overjoyed to know that there are kind-hearted, moral, professional athletes, such as Mr. Robinson who can be positive role-models for our youth.
David Robinson is a true inspiration.”
And I'm so happy I eavesdropped today I thought this story was most definitely worth sharing.
Herewith are the completed transactions covering the period December 22, 2009 to January 6, 2010:
Wednesday, January 6
Tuesday, January 5
Monday, January 4
Tuesday, December 29
Wednesday, December 23
Los Angeles Lakers signed forward Pau Gasol to a contract extension.
Tuesday, December 22
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